BMES醫環501 T3T4F3F4
This course is designed for postgraduate students and undergraduates who have learned analytical chemistry and physical chemistry. The main goal of this course is let students to learn the advanced knowledge in chemical reaction of chemicals in the natural environment. Several main topics including aquatic chemistry, atmospheric chemistry and soil chemistry will be addressed.
Course keywords: 化學反應(Chemical reaction), 水化學(Aquatic Chemistry), 大氣化學(Atmospheric Chemistry), 天然環境(Natural Environment), 污染物宿命(Fate and Transport) 一、課程說明(Course Description) This course is designed for those students who have interest in environemntal science and technology. Several fundamental courses including physical chemistry, analytical chemistry and/or organic chemistry are needed. 二、指定用書(Text Books) Stanley Manahan: Environmental Chemistry, 9th Ed. (2010) CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. Snoyink & Jenkin, Water Chemistry, 1991. Coling Baird and Michael Cann, Enviornmental Chemistry, 3rd ed. 2005, Freeman and Company. 三、參考書籍(References) 四、教學方式(Teaching Method) 投影片口述(handout)、投影片輔助 (ppt files) 五、教學進度(Syllabus) Part 1.Introduction to Environmental Chemisty Ch1. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND CHEMISTRY Ch2. THE ANTHROSPHERE, INDUSTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS, AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Part 2. Aquatic Chemistry Ch3. FUNDAMENTALS OF AQUATIC CHEMISTRY Ch4. ACIDS AND baseS Ch5. SOLID DISSOLUTION AND COMPLEXATION Ch6. OXIDATION-REDUCTION Part 3. Atmospheic Chemistry CH7. THE ATMOSPHERE AND ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY CH8. PARTICLES IN THE ATMOSPHERE CH9. GASEOUS INORGANIC AIR POLLUTANTS AND THE ENDANGERED GLOBAL CHANGE CH10. ORGANIC AIR POLLUTANTS AND PHOTOCHEMICAL SMOG 六、成績考核(Evaluation) Homework and quiz:25% Mid-term 1 and 2:25% each final exam:25% 七、可連結之網頁位址
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